Alex Li

Results 72 issues of Alex Li ![image](

Type: bug

```console  X:\SDK\flutter-master\bin\cache\dart-sdk\bin\dart.exe run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs --config excerpt --output="X:\Coding\Garages\GitHub\\tmp\_fragments" [INFO] Generating build script completed, took 294ms [INFO] Reading cached asset graph completed, took 103ms [INFO] Checking for updates since...

### Request Statement People usually wonder why their requests are being treated as CORS. Various of configuration could lead to the result before people can realize, such as `connectTimeout` and...

e: documentation
e: good for newcomers
p: dio

### Request Statement We ran into a release issue since we introduced `dio_test` as a test package without publishing it to This requires path dependency, but the release action...


首先感谢项目负责方对国内开源贡献的关注。本人在此有几个疑问想进行交流: ## 项目发展 - 虽然项目由四个联合发起方发起,但是目前是否有有效的项目推广渠道?除了利用公众号和平台转发,是否有长期的宣传途径? - 目前项目的整体规划是怎么样的?是否有明确的 roadmap?除了 Top 99 的榜单以外是否有规划其他内容? ## 榜单标识 - 针对目前已经发布的 Top 99 榜单,是否允许上榜者认领并关联更新?(与 所指建议相似) - 上榜者是否能通过榜单获得影响力?是否能将影响力双向关联?(基于国内就业环境而言,榜单的可信度为重要因素) - 是否可以推出类似于 awesome-xxx 系列的 badge、indicator 等内容以提升曝光度? - 上榜者尽管是被动参与的,但是否有对于其认证的一些物质奖励(包括礼品、现金等)?...

Resolve #2111 ### New Pull Request Checklist - [x] I have read the [Documentation]( - [x] I have searched for a similar pull request in the [project]( and found none...

### Request Statement As Dart doc stated: ```dart /// Automatic redirect will only happen for "GET" and "HEAD" requests /// and only for the status codes [HttpStatus.movedPermanently] /// (301), [HttpStatus.found]...

s: feature

### Describe the bug The doc suggested creating the plugin template using `--template` option, but it throws when calling like that. ![image]( ### Steps to reproduce 1. `cargo install...
