
Results 26 issues of AlexTS1980

I have 100 images for a trainset in /Data and a file groundtruth.txt with 100 bbox-values. How do I create train.txt for this matching each image with the bbox? I...

Instead of taking pre-defined style loss coefficients (0.2/layer, I think), did you try learning these coefficients using a different network? There should be some optimal values for them I believe

This error started happening without any obvious input on my part. I ran cmake/make pycaffe for Faster RCNN, but it keeps popping up. This happens before I load any actual...

Are there any chest radiography datasets with masks of COVID correlates like GGO, or at least bounding boxes. I only found one article, Weakly Labeled Data Augmentation for Deep Learning:...

It is a bit vague: does it include all non-COVID, i.e. Normal + Common Pneumonia, or only Common Pneumonia/only Normal?

Can you provide masks (ground glass opacity, consolidation) to evaluate a segmentation algorithm?

The variable `y` is the output of the style model and `x_c` is a copy of the image. Both are run through the VGG network that outputs 4 arrays with...

Thanks for the code. I have a couple of questions regarding tensor sizes. 1) The dataloader creates tensors size `X= (#videos, #frames, 3, H, W) and y=(#videos, 1)`. There's a...

I tried different values (`--attn-layers [1,2,3] `) for attention mechanism, but the results are either the same or worse. Did anyone find a way to improve FID/IS scores using attention?

According to the paper, there's a set of labelled and unlabelled datapoints that are mixed. In the code nevertheless there are two unlabelled sets, u1 and u2. Both of them...