Alexander Swensen

Results 9 comments of Alexander Swensen

While this issue was never filled out, i think i can provide some details around it. ng-annotate is [no longer maintained.]( Is there an alternative?

A simple Python script could do this!

@SerekKiri @NicolasRannou @ShawnToubeau : I have experience migrating from JavaScript to TypeScript in webpack at my day-job. I'm happy to help here.

Can I suggest that the webpack configuration get split up into multiple files depending on the environment? (aka dev vs production?) You can do this by creating a file like...

@SerekKiri @ShawnToubeau sure thing, I'll take a stab at this tonight once I'm off work. In the mean time, i think i can simplify what I understand for the group....

@ShawnToubeau i replied in the PR. I think it should be good to go.

I would try running this to see what happens. ``` npm cache clear --force rm -rf node_modules npm install ``` I ran into this recently in a CI env. Clearing...

@Walt-D-Cat Yeah, it has something to do with the npm cache getting in a strange state in 5.1.0. (NPM stores a separate cache in addition to `node_moduels`) I usually recommend...

@mischah Thanks for being willing to push out a fix. Thankfully there is a very easy workaround. In the meantime, I will list the steps I took to get it...