Plus, if you link me a tutorial or something I can localize the messages.pot file to Italian, if you'd like. And great extension.
Got it. Good to know :)
No problem to ask here. Yes you can just add them to the enumerations, then you can create create a pull request or send me the code if you wish...
To use a pin as an input just set its mode to IN then read the state property: `var pin = new GPIOPinDriver(GPIOPinDriver.Pin.GPIO23, GPIOPinDriver.GPIODirection.In);` `var state = pin.State;` On windows...
That is great! Yes you can email me your code or check on-line how to make a pull request and I'll be very happy to add your contribution 😃
Sorry to tell you but your files are identical to mine :hushed:
Grand, your changes are pushed to the main repo :wink: Thanks again for your contribution, it's awesome to receive improvements by users of my work :smile:
Thanks for the request. I'm not an electronic engineer so I don't really know much about pull up and pull down resistors, so I'll look for information about that as...
Hi, thanks for the interest in my project. I was implementing it in a second branch ('statechange-events_beta'). You can take a lookat that, but I have not tested it, so...