Developers can you make option "Copy .torrent files to" friendly with portable mode? Now I can't set this path relative to portable directory. For example I can set relative path...
@luckydonald ``` { "service":false, "event":"message", "id":550797, "flags":258, "to":{ "type":"user", "id":119268497, "print_name":"StickerReceiver", "flags":4352, "first_name":"StickerReceiver", "last_name":"", "username":"StickerReceiverBot" }, "media":{ "type":"document" }, "from":{ "phone":"********", "type":"user", "id":773790, "print_name":"Александр", "flags":267, "first_name":"Александр", "when":"2016-01-18 00:35:22", "last_name":"", "username":"alexmadd"...
Hello. Developer, please pay attention to this thread, coz I wrote special bot for demonstrating a bug [InlineQueryResultPhoto from bot not show big images #7654 ]( To reproduce a bug...
> Please check if everything works fine with the valid dimensions passed to the bot api. I checked. it work fine with heigth and width passed
> it won't work very well in my case But preview image work well if bot send item with type article and thumb_url field without sizes . you can test...
@mbasaglia you pass `photo_width `and `photo_height `fields? also when you sending sizes you must pass thumb_url parameter
**Telegram X** Bug in stickers preview for Inline mode. Instead of the preview image, a white square is shown [screenshot]( example: `@sticker 👍`
already working on new version with rewritten flood and words blacklist detection. new version coming soon