Hi @pghysels . Based on the behavior of the new method and my reading of the code, can I confirm whether this is the trace of the whole matrix versus...
The spectra we are providing are calibrated to an absolute flux system, so it doesn't matter what instruments they come from. I would guess that is the case for most...
Great! This is a good solution.
@pghysels . In my specific application the matrix is a covariance matrix, so A = A^T. This should simplify the determinant calculation, as that only depends on the determinants of...
This works, thanks!
Hi @philbull . I suggest using as default the truncation given in Huterer et al. We therefore assume `max = 20 if cos(θ) < 0.95 and `max = 200...
Having it sooner than later would be great. I am unfamiliar with CCL but if you need help let me know.
@damonge . For example, you would like the correlation function as a function of redshift for a fiducial cosmology? I ask because I probably don't have the benchmark you are...