Alexander Endris

Results 16 comments of Alexander Endris

In terms of on-demand fallback if there is no spot instance. Apparently docker-machine doesn't support this and since it's archived and deprecated, won't ever.

Running on version 4.41.1. I've always seen these machines without tags, but now that we've switched to a scheduled auto scaling, even on the weekend these machines (spot instances) stayed...

Yes, that's what we're seeing as well. I tried to kill those machines manually (both through terminating them or cancelling the spot request), but that resulted in some strange behaviour...

> Killing the no name instances always works for me. Maybe it's something different I'm experiencing when killing them. > May be we can track it down to a specific...

I just tried all 3 versions and in every version I get this issue.

With autoscaling with different schedules, that should remove all machines during the week end or at night, they accumulated. Just using the global idle_count variable, it's 1 instance that doesn't...

I believe this isn't a problem with this Terraform Module but rather with docker-machine. Docker-machine has officially been discontinued and Gitlab created a fork that they themselves maintain. I feel...

We experienced the same thing with the `terraform-aws-modules/lambda/aws` module as @mesaugat. This doesn't occur with version 1.2.6.

> On my windows machine, it kicks off MSBuild which promptly fails with: > > ``` > Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 17.2.1+52cd2da31 for .NET Framework > Copyright (C) Microsoft...

Hi. I just wanted to ask if there is already more than just the proposal, like a decision it's going to happen or not?