Results 40 comments of Aleksey

The usage of standalone external executable is preferred.

Cross-platform compatibility is actually quite easy. ``` bool isWindows = RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows); var process = new Process { StartInfo = { FileName = $"executable{(isWindows ? ".exe" : "")}", Arguments = "arguments...

> I can share the plugin code, maybe it will work for someone else but it was dreadfully easy to implement just wasn't sure about reliability as there is no...

The filename is being used for various internal checks, so in order to implement this I will need to check if this doesn't break those checks. > P.S. Is there...

Needs to be researched, some of the patreon servers provide almost no additional information about the files.

I will try to find some time to check what is going on and get back to you. It isn't supposed to close login page at all until you successfully...

You don't need neither runtime nor sdk installed to run the app if you download it from releases tab. Installing them should have no effect on the way application behaves...

No, there is no ETA. If anyone wants to work on this issue feel free to submit PR with the fix.

gfycat/redgifs will need a separate parsing plugin to be written in order to work. Probably will take a look at this after 0.10.1 release.