Alexander Borro
Alexander Borro
One final look EDIT: This is where the issue starts, you call int frameWidth(pixelMetric(PM_SpinBoxFrameWidth, option, widget)); if (!flat) { size = expandSize(size, frameWidth); } you are expanding your frame too...
> Hi, can you open a merge request for this? Sure, leave it with me and I'll double check it is okay (i.e no knock ons as far as I...
Okay, I'll do a PR later. While I was at it I observed that sliders have black tick marks using the dark variant, making them barely visible, which is obviously...
Hi, I created a PR. You will notice in your demo the spinbox height is now snow lightly less than surrounding widgets, but it's much better IMO. The thing is,...
Hi again, I threw in a little extra. To me it's a massive uplift to make things more gtk4 like. I made the bevel around buttons/combos etc optional, So now...
I wonder why this function does nothing bool Style::drawFrameGroupBoxPrimitive(const QStyleOption *option, QPainter *painter, const QWidget *) const { return true; }
Quite a bit of work. I migrated today, almost done, 5 hours so far for my trivial plotting app . Quite a bit of reading around, but getting there :)...
I am beginning to find a few bugs now too. Could be because of my source build from tarballs, but in conclusion I don't trust it yet for prime time....
Got all my cairo code workingn gtkmm4. As long as gtkmm is build against gtk4.0.3 or later most issues I came across have been fixed. yeah have0n't used the snapshots ...
> It would be good to toggle on or off real vs complex arithmetic. > > Right now we (for the most part) treat everything as complex-valued, because the goal...