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A simple autopilot for a quadrotor realized using MoveIt!. The system use a simulated RGBD sensor to reconstruct the map, then ompl for path generation.

You can find additional info on this work in this thesis, however it's in italian:!bdYEWKDZ!WmsdbkD-DifIXAGAL4cHTBwb_hYw36mMpB_XMmLX5VA

You can also find in this repository the same Thesis translated to english (automatic google translation).

In order to run the simulation you will need: ROS, Hector_quadrotor + hector_quadrotor_world, gazebo, Moveit! and the few extra in this .rar.

The external programs can be found here: ROS ---> Hector_quadrotor ---> gazebo ---> Moveit! --->

First of all you should create a configuration pack for moveIt! in order to correctly interface it with hector quadrotor, in other word you should create a series of configuration file to correctly interface the quadrotor with the plugin. You can do it by yourself following this tutorials ( and using my modified version of hector_quadrotor.urdf (you can find it in "hector_quadrotor/hector_quadrotor_urdf/urdf/quadrotore.urdf" ), just remember to add a virtual floating joint between the base link of the quadrotor and teh fixed odometry link... or you can simply use the pack I already made with everything configured --> quadrotore2_moveit. In the second case everything should be configured correctly and the quadrotor should be able to build a map of the place and fly itself using moveit!. Now you just need to launch Gazebo and spawn the quadrotor("sh files/"), launch the action_controller node ("sh files/") and finaly launch the moveit plugin and rviz visualizer ("sh files/"). Optionally you can spawn a node to teleoperate the quadrotor in the simulation from the terminal ("sh files/"). Maybe in order to make the sh work you should change some path!

You can simply overwrite the standard's packages downloaded from the official wiki pages (like pr2_teleop, hector_quadrotor or moveit_simple_controller_manager) with my modified ones and recompile all in order to obtain the modified packages and the additional functionalities. Contents of the folders:

->action_controller: action controller to translate geometrical trajectory in cmd_vel to control the quadrotor, it automatically translate the geometrical traiectory produced by moveit in comand to make the quadrotor move.

->moveit_simple_controller_manager: modified version of moveit_simple_controller_manager to handle multiDofFollowJointTrajectoryAction and to send the trajectory to the custom action_controller above defined

->hector_quadrotor: modified urdf of the quadrotor to publish the odometry of the joints

->pr2_teleop: simple node to teleop the simulated quadrotor using the keyboard

->quadrotore2_moveit: configuration file for moveit!

->sh files: bash file to launch the different part of the simulation