Alessandro Pierro
Alessandro Pierro
Objective of pull request: Major update to the `SolverTuner` utility class. ## Pull request checklist Your PR fulfills the following requirements: - [x] Tests are part of the PR (for...
Objective of issue: improve docstrings and API in Bayesian Solver **I'm submitting a ...** - [x] feature request - [x] documentation request ## Additional Information - The API of the...
Objective of issue: prevent the `OptimizationSolver` from re-instantiating its process when called multiple times. **Lava version:** - [x] **0.3.0** **I'm submitting a ...** - [ ] bug report - [...
Objective of pull request: add plotting utils to obtain a diagram of processes and connections after compilation ## Pull request checklist Your PR fulfills the following requirements: - [ ]...
### User story As a user, I want to [capability] to [benefit]. ### Conditions of satisfaction - An optional list of conditions that have to be fulfilled for this feature...
### User story Add contributing guidelines for community developers: []( . ### Conditions of satisfaction - An optional list of conditions that have to be fulfilled for this feature to...
**Describe the bug** The unit tests associated to the Bayesian solvers are stalling. **To reproduce current behavior** The stalling tests caused the CI run of the last released to be...
### Discussed in Originally posted by **nnbtam99** June 1, 2023 Hi Lava team, I'm new to the neuromorphic computing paradigm and I have a quick question regarding the implementation...
**Describe the bug** The ReadGate doesn't work with timeout=None when running on CPU. **To reproduce current behavior** Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. When I run this code (add code...
### User story As a user, I want to be able to solve multiple optimization problems in parallel with the OptimizationSolver. ### Conditions of satisfaction - Problem level parallelism is...