Aleksei Nikiforov

Results 16 comments of Aleksei Nikiforov

There's one more issue: ``` 2023-03-17T14:46:37.7006716Z /opt/ndk/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/clang++ --target=armv7-none-linux-androideabi21 --gcc-toolchain=/opt/ndk/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64 --sysroot=/opt/ndk/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/sysroot -DAT_PER_OPERATOR_HEADERS -DCAFFE2_BUILD_MAIN_LIB -DCPUINFO_SUPPORTED_PLATFORM=1 -DFMT_HEADER_ONLY=1 -DFXDIV_USE_INLINE_ASSEMBLY=0 -DNNP_CONVOLUTION_ONLY=0 -DNNP_INFERENCE_ONLY=0 -Iaten/src -I../../aten/src -I. -I../../ -I../../caffe2/aten/src/TH -Icaffe2/aten/src/TH -Icaffe2/aten/src -Icaffe2/../aten/src -I../../torch/csrc -I../../third_party/miniz-2.1.0 -I../../third_party/kineto/libkineto/include -Ivulkan -I../../aten/../third_party/VulkanMemoryAllocator...

It theoretically could support data types other than tensors and ints in "call" and "call_raw", but only code pieces and cases I see are actually only those 2 listed above....

I've tested how works. It looks like it uses different mechanism, and not affected by this patch at all. It goes through `ScriptFunction.__call__`: and I guess it always...

A few lines below it's already caught in default case, and exception would be thrown: Should it still be added?

Thanks, with your change the fix can be simplified.

@pytorchbot rebase

@malfet @huydhn , could you please take a look at this PR? And if it gets merged, where could be seen the results of periodic tests of new workflow?

build took 60 minutes tests took: 150, 110, 65, 55, 115, 85, 50, 70, 105, 110 minutes (split into 10 shards) There are currently 20 runners, used for everything: nightly...

I'm getting similar failures related to numpy 2.0.0rc1 here: So I guess it's not related to my changes.

@malfet, @huydhn, could you please enable CI for this PR?