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I'd like to have an option to tell ices0 which charset to use when decoding tags. In my case I have files with tags id3v1 and id3v2 in cp1251 and...

Here is the situation: I need to get some suggestions when empty input is focused, so I used this options: ``` $('#suggest').autocomplete({ minChars: 0, serviceUrl: '/some/ajax/request' }); ``` It works...

The idea is to remove step ``` Include CKEditor javascript files in your application : ``` and make editor JS loaded only in first component creation, see [official package code](

I'm using ESPDuino-32 with Arduino Motor Shield. In configuration ESP32 / H-Bridge Selection = "ESP32 with Arduino Motor Shield (OPS and PROG)" Enable OPS track output = checked Enable PROG...


Is there an option to use external control app or device (like dcc++ protocol or something)? I've found issue about JMRI and DCC++ but there is no documentation about...

help wanted
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I'm using [tilix]( as my default terminal. When I press "start ssh session in a terminal" button in the bookmark manager notnong happends. If I run bookmark manager via console...