Aleksandras T.
Aleksandras T.
Thanks for suggestions. I cloned the repository, added a direct reference to it from my project and was trying to debug all day long today to understand how it works...
Some more findings - after digging a bit more, seems like mapping/deserializing is failing due to additional namespace used, which is specified with `XmlElement` attribute: ```csharp [XmlElement("Product", Namespace = "urn:Bbb.Services.Common")]...
Yeah, I also realized this fact, that WSDL is not super important for old clients. However I'm still not sure how it works in general - like maybe same logic...
Thanks for the clues, but seems it's not the case. `WriteParameterElement()` method is called only for the ASMX method request parameter itself (`GetPricesRequest` in my examples). However `XmlElement` attribute is...
Hmm, that sounds interesting. I will try that external WSDL schemas option. Thanks for pointing out!
So, seems like external WSDL schemas support are fully enough for us, since we are not planning to add any new features to our legacy ASMX web services. Thanks for...