Aldrin Sean Pereira
Aldrin Sean Pereira
Your profile and projects look really great at a first look. Perhaps the graphs under the "my github stats" can be removed because they are not very helpful to showcase...
I'd like to help out (although as a beginner) :) Could you assign this bug to me?
just to clarify: do you want me to add screenshots of the code changes? I'm not sure what to screenshot otherwise
Ah I got it! I shall do that. Thank you Eddie!
im stuck in finding the new (and correct) stuff to be displayed the old error which @Pradumnasaraf had shown is in this link:
Hey @dan-mba I have now updated the `styles/global.css` file as you have specified. Is it correct?
Thank you @schmelto for getting this fixed. Thank you @dan-mba for your help 🙌🏼 I had been busy with work and unfortunately forgot to get back to this.
I'd like to take up this bug. I referred to the links given by @dan-mba but I'm stuck at finding what needs to be fixed ... may need to spend...
alright. thank you !!
got it. thank you @codewithvoid 🥰❤️