Alberto Hernandez Cerezo
Alberto Hernandez Cerezo
Hello, a few days ago I started to work with meteor and its functionality related to Facebook accounts. I want to work with friend lists, and because of that I...
Hi, Recently I started working with Julia developing microservices. I am using Bukdu to mount a server. Locally it works, but when trying to deploy it in Docker, it does...
Hi, First of all thank you for this incredible gem! Recently I started working with Rails. I am developing a Rails APP which has a custom Engine mounted. After generating...
Hello, my name is Alberto Recently I have been starting to develop APPs based on Meteor, and I would like to develop an APP that allow users to drive a...
Hi! Recently I have been starting to develop APPs based on Meteor, and I would like to develop an APP that allow users to drive a rolling spider using your...