Alan Slater

Results 33 comments of Alan Slater


Great, thanks for the clarification. And to be clear - this applies equally to the `element.setNativeProps({ ...props })` usage as it does to the `setNativeProps(ref, { ...props })` usage -...

+1 and it's not just a mouse this would be useful for: - Many Android devices have pens with some form of "air hover" feature, e.g. the Samsung Galaxy s-pen...

@brunohkbx not if you want to test text style inheritance. For example, I'm trying to write tests for elements intended to be used inline within `` and I want the...

Here's an example failing case. In an app, the text is red and bold due to text style inheritance, but Jest doesn't see it that way: ```jsx test('nested text where...

This would also be very useful for debugging when a bug or failure in semver is encountered, such as or Currently, many errors or failures within semver return...

Hi Patrick, thanks for the detailed feedback. We're mid-way through a design and UX update, and will definitely take your comments on board. Can you please provide some details of...

Hi Trebh, thanks for reporting this. Yes, it definitely does break the UI as it stands. On my tests it gives a cluster containing what appears to be ~10,000 parallel...

This is a real problem and the same happens on Android too. (Edit: some work has been done here on Android We've had to work around it by detecting...

@gp3gp3gp3 Last time I looked into this issue, I was getting weird behaviour where a `` containing a single pressable `` would, on Android TalkBack, be read like "Contains links"...