Hey there, how to use the command line ? I found td.exe but don't see any options -? -h etc... thanks
Hey there, on my work machine (windows) I can't install NPM or anything else really. I currently use ffmpeg from my user folder and used it all the time. I...
That's it, just a suggestion, would make it ideal to keep on top of bookmarks. Beautiful otherwise, so tidy and just what a user needs.
Hey there, it would be super to be able to adjust some settings, like font size etc. Also multiple hotkeys to pre-populate with /bookmarks /history etc ready to type in....
Hey there, Sorry I am at a loss here, I am just getting this error when I go to run Align, with Alt+a. `command 'vscode-better-align.align' not found` It installs fine...
I am just wondering how to code format with this extension in vscode, can't figure it out. Does this extension include formatting? I posted a question on stackoverflow [](url) Trying...
Hey there, What I would love is the possibility to include an alpha channel indicator on a thumbnail. It's not always evident if a video has an alpha, maybe the...
Hey there, apologies about not seeing the duplicate earlier. I have exported the hotkeys and initially it looked fine but I see lots of shortcuts are showing as the default...