TransitionButton copied to clipboard
UIButton sublass for loading and transition animation.
Made the gifs on the readme look correct
Hi AladinWay: When I used it, I found that the rounded corners could not be restored to the original state.According to, I modified `self.layer.cornerRadius = layer.cornerRadius ` under`setOriginalState`, he...
Animation lag when setting new root view controller on expand animation please do needful,
init(frame: CGRect) { super.init() self.setToFrame(frame) // this line self.fillColor = nil self.strokeColor = spinnerColor.cgColor self.lineWidth = 1 self.strokeEnd = 0.4 self.isHidden = true }
When I try to add the package using SPM Xcode throws the following error:
When you put the secondVC (following the example) with a TabBarViewController its not working.
when i want to import library it says "No such module 'TransitionButton' " even in sample project !
While processing your iOS app, errors occurred in the app thinning process, and your app couldn’t be thinned. If your app contains bitcode, bitcode processing may have failed. Because of...
I have added spinner animation types. Following types are here: ``` - DefaultSpinner: LineSpinFadeLoader animation. - BallRotate: BallRotate animation. - BallPulse: BallPulse animation. - AudioEqualizer: AudioEqualizer animation. - BallClipRotate: BallClipRotate...
If you set button corner radius programmatically it won't return to its original state. I suggest under `setOriginalState` method set `self.layer.cornerRadius = layer.cornerRadius` instead of ` self.cornerRadius` , this way...