@xxn59 any update on ur issues, did you solve it?
@rendoudoudou Yes i am using KITTI dataset. So, if i need to tet the model bsed on adding more convolution layers how to do it? and please can you let...
@rendoudoudou Thanks for sharing your experience. While you used own dataset, what part of code did you change or did you write a custom dataset class? and while recoding data...
@rendoudoudou Thankyou, and i have also observed that the intial values in main_kitti.py and utils_numpy_filter.py file are completely diffrent can you explain or give a brife why is that so....
@rendoudoudou Thankyou so much for ur insites it will be very helpful If i have futher questing i will mail you. can you please send me a hi msg to...
hello EVERYONE, II am facing same issuee of size mismatch how to resolve it?