It might be helpful to use https://github.com/saltstack/salt/blob/master/salt/grains/core.py#L1624 as a reference when adding this feature
+1 to having a developer role that can create questions, but not add/delete other admins and reset the database
I have also had an issue with this. Couldn't it be a JSON request to the first link you provide? I want to be able to specify http/https and which...
[Beast saber](https://bsaber.com/saber/) or on the [bsaber discord](https://discordapp.com/invite/beatsabermods)
I'm able to reliable reproduce the issue with this VagrantFile: ```ruby # -*- mode: ruby -*- # vi: set ft=ruby : Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| # Using the Generic FreeBSD box...
Confirmed that 3006.9 is the last good tag and 3007.0 has the issue
This is the commit that introduced the bug: fb4ce8a741386d1ad4218cfa20648ec38801bdfa
I solved a similar issue in idem-windows a while back, the code in [idem-windows](https://gitlab.com/saltstack/pop/idem-windows/-/blob/master/idem_windows/corn/net/interfaces.py#L630) might be helpful for finding a solution
Is the vagrant state causing returning something odd that ends up being weird in the ``profile`` outputter or is this an issue any state has with the outputter?
@hvt can you share a sanitized version of the SLS that you ran to get the error?