First, that's what the file said when I looked at it Second, I followed the directions by having the .exe application, choosing my palette, then exported it to portal 2,...
wdym by launch options? Do you mean how you run the game? I only downloaded what was necessary to run BEEmod, that including the application and packages that went with...
Modding is new for me, and I really want to create new portal 2 levels like all the other devs on the steam workshop.
It still didn't work.. Idk why bro. I did exactly what you said. reinstalled BEEmod and changed the launch options to -vulkan. Does it help if I mention that I...
tried that as well, didn't work. At this point, I'm just gonna record a video and show you whats happening so you can hopefully understand
1. I do have Portal 2 Authoring tools installed. 2. I have two separate exe files for some reason, only difference being the names (due to a an attempt like...
This issue has being going on for a while, I almost gave up on it (like 10 months ago). However, I've decided to come back to it with a more...
I'll try it, and I let you guys know if it works. If it doesn't, I appreciate your help