Akhilesh Negi
Akhilesh Negi
Same issue **Organization name:** Bhumi **Flow name:** Nakshatra 2022 (id: 4726) **Date issue was faced:** 31st August, 11:00 AM **Error Json:** [GCS URL](https://storage.googleapis.com/cc-tides/corrupted_flow_bhummi.json)
@mdshamoon assigning this issue to you so you can check by setting up flow editor that in which node the flow is corrupted
Add conversation info to the messages table (this is part of the gupshup payload that we should see)
@pankaj-ag can you share artifacts regarding same in the issue. What are conversation details we receive in payload and is there a document for same?
@pankaj-ag I reached out to Gupshup and they shared that live location is not supported on WhatsApp Business API. Here's screenshot of our conversation
Also flow is not killed on sharing live location and behaves as if no message is exchanged
Here first **live location** is shared and then **current location**
@mdshamoon this is fixed and deployed
@mohitsharma-22 This issue seems when the list of contacts is significantly large. I think we need to restructure code to create a queue to upload contacts in a set of...
This is fixed and deployed
@pankaj-ag can callback URL be set using Partner APIs?