Egor Poderiagin

Results 36 comments of Egor Poderiagin

@mbajor I'm try reinstall from repository and get that error, when start or scudcloud --version command, what I'm doing wrong? ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/scudcloud", line 9,...

I think that not necessary, especially in next case: 1. User logout(but not get response, because trouble in internet connection) 2. User try logout one more time(but he can't logout...

@NikosVlagoidis Can you show any case where that logic can be useful?

I'm still not get how that can be useful. And I don't see any real life example about that logic. > This will happen if we return "Successfully logged out."...

> User logout(but not get response, because trouble in internet connection) Client app will get error of request timeout or some other kind of error. But actually user can be...

As I'm told you can't proof any of your words: - You don't know how it can be useful, just write something very synthetic test and thinking about that is...

> The user does not see the API messages. The developer does. You will get message inside response, that code will do that ` return Response({"detail": _("Cannot log out Anonymous...

> If you pass API responses to the user and don't implement yours then something wrong is happening the first place. Can you give an example?

The same problem exists after installing MinIO through the web interface.

Ugh very ugly bug. 1. Maybe we should mention it in the documentation? Because at [that page]( it looks that name of day of week is supported; 2. Or make...