
Results 4 issues of AjianIronSide

I was trying to repeat the 'Practical Example' with a nnet3 chain model(tdnn_7q exactly) instead. I use the yaml file from sample_chinese_nnet3.yaml(multi_cn). However, a core file generated when decoder dealing...

Hi, Do you have any idea about fine-tunning the pretrained model(such sre) to a more complicated scenario using a small related data set? I tried to use the teacher model...

I was trying to run the train.py using the label provided in the repo, but seems could not read in the features, logs are like: 021-04-06 15:14:51.759823: W tensorflow/core/framework/op_kernel.cc:1651] OP_REQUIRES...

用客户端程序发送音频是没有问题的,但是网页连不上服务器。我没有用ssl。 我的连接地址写的是“ws://ip:port”的形式,显示连接成功,其实没有连接上; 查看了以前的issue,说啥要用“[点此处手工授权(IOS手机)]”那个页面,但是我点了之后加载不出来,所以也连接不上,用的是Mac电脑+chrome浏览器;