Ajay Tripathy
Ajay Tripathy
In any case, I'm surprised we're actually crashlooping on this. Let's get this prioritized to not crash at least cc @cliffcolvin
Hi @namm2 this should be supported. @mattray are there instructions here on the opencost helm chart?
Yep! New release expected next week.
Hi @kaitimmer I'm not an expert here at all but does the READER role actually grant permission for the PUT operation? PUT sounds like it might be more expansive than...
@mbolt35 @ameijer if you guys both support can you lgtm / provide anymore feedback and we can look to merge?
Hi @lmello . Any more details on how we'd consider implementing chunking here? We're very interested in things that help scale this out. Opencost should still function in around that...
Hi @lmello is there anything we can collaborate on here? We're very interested in any scale improvements on single large clusters you may have found. @r2k1 btw, ksm by default...
Seems reasonable. Thanks for this PR! @thomasvn mind picking up this review when you get a moment?
@rabahbrahami should this be filed in the opencost helm chart repo? https://github.com/opencost/opencost-helm-chart
This is currently supported in enterprise. @dwbrown2 any thoughts on bringing something simple here to open source?