Les Szklanny

Results 8 issues of Les Szklanny

This is a question. How would I use the "response" interceptor to modify or transform the data?

Would it be possible to add the [fetchPolicy](https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hoc/#optionsfetchpolicy) option similar to what's available in Apollo GraphQL hooks? Apollo can do the SWR pattern using fetchPolicy: ‘cache-and-network’. I'd like to see...


> But, the most important question: Is this better than Redux? Well... > It's faster. Componentize the problem of performance. Could you please describe why or under what conditions Unstated...

This question is very similar to this Recoil issue. https://github.com/facebookexperimental/Recoil/issues/51

has snippet
work in progress

IMO the tab right-click menu could be improved. Let's say I have several tabs open and the active tab is Container. When I right-click another tab, the 'Close other tabs'...


I'm new to MST, so forgive me if my question has an obvious answer. Vue has computed properties similar to MST's views, but it also has watch properties. If you...

help/PR welcome
level: intermediate

Is this function identical to lodash get or does it provide additional features?

Apparently the line 46 results in a React warning when the comp is a function component. `ref={c => { this.wrappedInstance = c; }}` Warning: Function components cannot be given refs....