zhanpeng tao
zhanpeng tao
> 作者您好,首先非常感谢您开源您的工作。我的英文和代码能力都不是很好,所以这里简单说一下训练时的问题,我用mpiigaze数据集训练时出现如下错误:**get_ignored_params() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given;** 在使用Adam优化器时get_ignored_params、get_non_ignored_params、get_fc_params都出现上述错误,不知道怎么改,能否给点建议,非常感谢。 There is an unspecified value in his train.py, and I used 180。
> Hello, Thank for your great work. I have a question. When I replicated the work, I got a better result than 3.92 on MPIIFaceGaze. However, when I tested your...
BCAA GazeHub@Phi-ai Lab.provides data preprocessing code, which you can find online,u need to download both mpiigaze and mpiifacegaze
I suggest you carefully read what Dr. Chen wrote on the page. MPII contains two datasets, which u need to download and preprocess at the same time