It looks like you have a problem with test script The test is pass but have error in test report stage The Serilog only support inject paramater in method parameters,can't...
windows event ``` 错误应用程序名称: PowerToys.Settings.exe,版本:,时间戳: 0x641de100 错误模块名称: KERNELBASE.dll,版本: 10.0.19041.2788,时间戳: 0x62e593d6 异常代码: 0xc000027b 错误偏移量: 0x0000000000117cd2 错误进程 ID: 0x22bd4 错误应用程序启动时间: 0x01d978d04303982c 错误应用程序路径: C:\Program Files\PowerToys\Settings\PowerToys.Settings.exe 错误模块路径: C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll 报告 ID: 0dbeb1bb-0c77-4201-a2d3-2ad68cd8a697 错误程序包全名: 错误程序包相对应用程序...