Niveditha Hariharan
Niveditha Hariharan
It solved few of the problems but minion worker still does not seem to start.
Hi Scott, Thanks again for looking into the issue. It would be really great if you could suggest changes in the script as I am unsure why the minion worker...
Hi Scott, I really appreciate your update. I am trying to understand the changes suggested by you. I will update once the ec2 script works successfully. Thank you, Niveditha ________________________________...
Hi Scott, Oh, I see. I get it now. I will check to see if I can fix this or help Prof Dewey set this up locally. Thanks for your...
I have a question that I came across while debugging the issue. Where in NEXT are the environment variables being set? The problem now with ec2-NEXT integration is that the...
Thanks for your clarification. I am able to see some variables set in these files but I am not able to see variables like the ones highlighted below being set....
I am unable to see the rabbitmq-env.conf or other conf files. I can see only redis.conf. I have one more question. For example MINIONREDIS_PORT = int(os.environ.get('MINIONREDIS_PORT_6379_TCP_PORT', 6379)) but I cannot...
Thank you for looking into the issue. I will try out the changes and post updates.