
Results 4 comments of Lemon

trackJS offers the following... ### Script Error If your page loads scripts from different domains, you might see a lot of Script Error messages. These unhelpful messages occur because the...

I share your concern, although in general I think the preview boxes do a pretty good job of showcasing what's getting used and why. **But**, here's an idea... ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3413200/110962849-09648080-8317-11eb-91a6-22c3f8cd95bf.png)

What about setting up fallback order in `config.php`. Thinking something like this.... ```php 'diesdasdigital.meta-knight' => [ 'fallbackFields' => [ 'description' => [ 'page_description', 'summary' 'text', ], 'image' => [ 'hero'...

Was able to workaround this problem with the `deselect-label` prop. ```html ``` ![image](https://github.com/shentao/vue-multiselect/assets/3413200/6e3c3069-816d-404b-8063-605550fe5a00) At that stage, it's a matter of reskinning that red bit... ```scss .multiselect__option--selected.multiselect__option--highlight[data-deselect="Selected"] { background:#f3f3f3; color:unset; &:after...