Ahmed Adel Ismail
Ahmed Adel Ismail
A Light weight Actor Model library that helps communication between Components in a Message Driven manner
An Annotation processor that allows binding two classes with each other, where the first class can listen to the updates of the second class ... ideal for MVVM and similar patterns
a library that helps avoiding the switch/case and if/else massive blocks through a table lookup technique
The repository for holding the sessions code for GDG Helwan 2019, explaining Simplified Clean Architecture and MVI pattern
A library that provides a set of functional patterns to enable chaining operations one after another, also helps not cutting RxJava2 streams
A Java library that enables applying Functional Programming concepts like currying and partial application for functions, also it supports types like Either, Try, etc... using RxJava 2 interfaces, com...
A library that helps implementing Android's LifeCycleObserver interface for variables instead of Classes
An Application that elaborates Clean Architecture, MVVM, Retrofit, Room, and written fully in RxJava2