Sourish Basu

Results 7 issues of Sourish Basu

### Description I am trying to make a scatter plot on a map using cartopy. I calculate the figure size based on the map aspect ratio in order to completely...

I am trying to draw continental coastlines with basemap. However, the following: ```python from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap m = Basemap(projection='eck4', lon_0=0, resolution='l') m.drawcoastlines() ``` cuts off the Antarctic coastline at...

I'm trying to use mpldatacursor to label a few points on a plot. Here's an MWE: ```python from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import numpy as np from mpldatacursor import...

### Describe your issue. I am trying to build `scipy` 1.11.4 from source with `meson` because I'd like to take advantage of Intel MKL linear algebra libraries that are installed...

Build issues
upstream bug

I'm trying to switch to using the `mplcairo` backend because it does certain things better than the `MacOSX` backend, especially when colormaps have transparency. However, I've noticed that the font...

### Describe your issue. I am installing scipy from source on an HPC on top of python 3.11.6. The code builds without errors, but `scipy.test()` segfaults at `scipy/sparse/linalg/_eigen/arpack/tests/`. We have...


I am trying to build netCDF4 1.6.5 from source with `pip install .`. It is failing with a `numpy` error, namely ``` Processing /home/sbasu1/Downloads/sources/netCDF4-1.6.5 Installing build dependencies ... done Getting...