Sourish Basu

Results 35 comments of Sourish Basu

And with the same "blank" `.matplotlibrc`, if I switch back to `backend : MacOSX` this is what I get. ![Screenshot 2024-01-03 at 11 51 12 AM](

With the following (to get a few different sized mathtext texts) ```python plt.text(.6, .2, r"$1.23$", ha='center', va='center', size=14) plt.text(.6, .1, r"$1.23$", ha='center', va='center', size=12) plt.text(.6, .3, r"$1.23$", ha='center', va='center', size=10)...

OK, this is interesting and slightly puzzling. I have `raqm` installed via macports, ```shell $ ls -l /Users/sbasu1/packages/macports/lib/libraqm.dylib lrwxr-xr-x 1 sbasu1 staff 15 2024 Jan 04 01:32:15 /Users/sbasu1/packages/macports/lib/libraqm.dylib -> libraqm.0.dylib...

So, I hardcoded the path to `libraqm.dylib` as you suggested, and indeed `mplcairo` now knows about `raqm` (and also `harfbuzz`, somehow, although I did no hardcoding for that), ```python In...

@Artoria2e5 I tried your `95-noemb.conf` and no luck, the tick labels are still not smooth. This is a screenshot. ![Screenshot 2024-02-20 at 10 44 36 AM]( Note that if I...