Jessica Chen
Jessica Chen
There is no place in the code that says "go recalculate this", it is just the behavior of computed observables. Essentially, a computed observable will keep track of every observable...
I'm not sure a rate limit multiplier would have much effect, if these calculations are taking anywhere in the 500ms region most of our ratelimits are at, the game is...
1. Might be resolved with a bootstrap update, otherwise might have to look into a game setting to disable the fade animation or see if we are doing anything weird...
Did you check through the [bootstrap migration page]( Some things that jump out at me from there are nested tables (I think we do that in Settings?), thead classes, close...
Pretty close, but it references enemyPokemon in the tooltip binding still so skips right past your rateLimit. have your observable return the full text used in the tooltip (\ against...
I think the best way to do this is marking the pokemon with the time they were last handled by a hatchery helper, and provide a setting for people to...
I was quite literally about to start this :+1:
Hmm, after looking into it properly, the hitbox seems to be on the "tip" of the tool, the part you would use to strike something if it were real -...
That's because the pointy bit of the mouse is at the top, no? I might be misunderstanding your initial suggestion, because that seems more confusing than the current behavior. Are...
Steps to reproduce from @VodkaFR 1. Fill the queue 2. Filter hatchery so no more pokemon can be bred. 3. Hire a helper and wait for him to hatch his...