Alex Duffield
Alex Duffield
Fair enough.. and ditto.. I also should be focusing more on playing and less on coding!! :P
Are box for 3NPS and CAGED for Melodic Minor and Harmonic Minor scales on your road map at all?  
I hear you and do get where your coming from, and although most of whats out there for CAGED is based on the Major shapes, there are a few sites...
Ya the more i dig i find more naming conventions and even modified patterns (half 3NPS half Penatonic? ) ... I think i might consider making a user preference option...
Hey Diego, just circling back to the project i was using this on last winter... Wondering if you would consider officially implementing CAGEDMinor feature akin to the PenatonicMinor that you...
personalty not a huge fan of the numbers below, that was why i was hoping for inlays... Agree it could be cluttered but maybe a default opacity .2 or something...
or perhaps take the same approach as for "middle" fret so the user can adjust the color of the actual frets 3,5,7,9,12...?
Sounds like a perfect and very flexible solution!
Did this super high priority / purely cosmetic feature make it into .2 ? :P
@rodnolan no i have not had an opportunity to look at this... but I did quite like Diagos suggestion from Nov 26 "element should span the whole area between two...