Jindřich Dítě
Jindřich Dítě
Aaand we have NUI!
I was thinking along the lines of making RealWorldEventHandler, which scans all modules for `eventDescriptors.json` or something similar, inside the json deine events by their dates, and in each event...
Added Getting started, which should supplement the Helpful links, since I was not capable of finding any good JSON tutorial. Also, includes some info about licensing and links to several...
Hi rogersachan. We do not even use the logo you used anymore, but we don't have exactly organized our art assets either. You can see the current logo at https://github.com/MovingBlocks/DestinationSol/blob/develop/engine/src/main/resources/assets/textures/mainMenu/mainMenuLogo.png
@Sigma-One would you happen to know where these might be hiding, or perchance have some more assets in your own that could be used?
That looks almost perfect! Just a small details, could you make it 100px higher, so it can be directly used for steam, as per https://steamcommunity.com/groups/steamworks/announcements/detail/1597002662762032240 ? And, would you be...
Oh, just noticed you linked the steam post too from your init comment :sweat_smile:
@Cervator Could you make an ofiicial MovingBlocks twitch acount sometimes? They require an official company email for that. GOG, I'd say, is out of the question for now.
Wait, we are on GOG already? (Admittedly, I,ve never sed their GOG Launcher, as its Windows only?)
Box art uploaded to steam