Adrien Lemaire

Results 103 comments of Adrien Lemaire

I've found that the current @apollo/client package has createHttpLink in `@apollo/client/link/http/createHttpLink.js` When trying to use this one instead, The onError/setOnError error persists and I'm getting this additional error: ![]( I...

@hwillson do you know how I can run your branch `ac3-updates` in my project? With `npm install apollographql/apollo-link-persisted-queries.git#ac3-updates --save` My package.json gets updated to: ```json "dependencies": { "@apollo/client": "^3.0.0-beta.44", "@apollo/link-persisted-queries":...

I'm getting the same syntax coloration as @imambungo using base16-tomorrow-night. Thanks @Chaitanyabsprip for the tip, I uninstalled dart-vim-plugin to use coc-flutter with nvim-treesitter, and it looks better. ![](

As a temporary hack, I added `tmux kill-session -t 0` before the main() stop_spinner call in `.tmux/plugins/tmux-resurrect/scripts/`, since all my sessions are named and the unwanted one is always called...

It's explained in the documentation:

Reporting an error thrown when using axe with a timer. Package used: "@axe-core/react": "4.0.0" ```ts export default function useAxe(): void { if (!environment.isProduction) { // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks useEffect(() => {...

Strangely, not even settings ```yml rules: "@typescript-eslint/indent": - off - 2 - {} ``` in my `.eslintrc.yml` file could fix it. I had to comment l.49 of `node_modules/eslint-config-airbnb-typescript/lib/shared.js` ```js //'@typescript-eslint/indent':...

Also, could you give an example with the `npm build` stuff (or actually `npm run build`, because npm build fails? I didn't manage to use it to bundle my presentation,...

@eliba2 thanks for the quick reply vim-node-session ```json {"watches": {}, "breakpoints": {"/home/dori/Projects/Work/project/api_server/src/resolvers.ts": {"8": 5}}} ``` or ```json {"watches": {}, "breakpoints": {}} ``` neovim :version ``` NVIM v0.4.3 Build type: Release...

Yes, I could see the vim marks on js files, so definitely something to do with ts. Looking forward to your fix :) Your project is awesome, totally underrated :+1: