Adrien Lemaire

Results 103 comments of Adrien Lemaire

Any progress on this issue? I asked a related question on neo4j forums:

+1. I wrongly created a [similar feature request]( on the neo4j-graphql repo wanting to post it here. > type User { userid: ID! name: String } You would want to...

I was thinking of using an ORM like sequelize to handle various databases. But I don't think this will work with DynamoDB, I'm actually a bit surprised that you would...

Guess it makes sense :) A bit busy atm, but hopefully I'll be able to set some time aside next month to work on this, thanks for the feedback!

Roger that, thanks @mdcruz !

@gotcha no problem when starting ipython directly within the docker container ![]( ipdb also seems to work fine when set_trace is set in the django project's code, sorry about that....

# Investigating the Prompt color issue I can modify the prompt text in `IPython/core/` ```py prompt = 'ipdb> ' ``` I can modify the prompt color in `IPython/terminal/` ```py class...

# Investigating the lack of color for ipdb shell commands in `prompt_toolkit/styles/`, I set ` __import__('pprint').pprint([vars(s) for s in styles])` in merge_styles to record the difference between ipdb and ipython...

This feature would add a lot of value to ipdb. Anyone up to champion this feature?