> Does this test need `RABBITMQ_PASS` to be set as a secret from the UI? If it does: > > * Is there a way to create the secret from...
> @AdrianPedriza so we'd need to add the steps to set `RABBITMQ_PASS` [here]( There is no need to set it, it is already set for that environment. Anyway, I know...
> Can we run e2e tests before approving it? I want to make sure it's passing passed! @jLopezbarb
> @AdrianPedriza Is there anything blocking starting progress on this. Is it possible we could start with a few key examples instead of adapting all of them. Possibly movies, multirepo-demo...
At the moment we cannot add this feature as many of our e2e tests use our examples which have to be adapted to solve this problem. (#2637) An issue has...
> We're still waiting for [docker/docker]( to release a new patch there is a new release. We should point to `v0.10.3-okteto2` instead of `v0.10.3-okteto1`