Romain Ezquerra
Romain Ezquerra
For desktop, Mac before the following dates (if exists, some model like iMac Pro do not have older version) : | Model | Year | --- | --- | MacBook...
I am using a Mac mini mid-2011, can’t migrate to Mojave, my quick fix for now is to use Chrome, not a problem for me at development stage. I’ll try...
you are right, there is no more support for Intl in core-js, but do support it. Overriding the main adminBundle view and adding the corresponding polyfill bundle to it...
Hi Antoine, **here is the Gist :** Just call the generatePDF method like so : $html = `'TestTest'`; $pdfManager->generatePDF( $html ); **Env :** PHP Version 8.1.16 Symfony : 5.4...
Hi @alexpozzi the header-html option pass the optionsWithContentCheck test in the Pdf class, so the value (can be html string or filename) is sent to the isFile function, which **in...