Hi have exact same issue. Our projects all use both CosmosDB + Azure storage. My preference is to run both in docker containers, but atm I have to choose either...
Thanks - been scratching my head on this one too - thanks for the info as it helped me
That's awesome, thank you @baoduy. I'll give it a go tonight to see where I went wrong
Thanks @baoduy for your help! Greatly appreciated. So I now have reverse proxy working using HTTPS just fine! I believe where I went wrong is that I should have set...
Can anyone give me an update on how to configure the explorer/http gateway to be https aswell?? The problem with having the LB/Reverse Proxy configured for HTTPS but not the...
@dkkapur No problem! No - I ended up leaving the cluster explorer as http.
When do you plan to release the 2017.3.EAP1? I can't run xUnit Theories - have a license but I'd like this to be fixed in official version. Using .net Core...