Results 5 comments of ADDICE

env: 威联通 docker,ha version:v0.6.7 fixed: 问题解决了。误打误撞改了米家账号的密码。可以成功登录。 之前登录的密码也是正确的,可以在米家 app 登录。但是走 miot-auto ,miot-raw,miot 都无法登录。试了下 ha 官网提供的获取 token 方式,也是同样无法登录。 ` pip3 install pycryptodome pybase64 requests python3 ` 上述问题,在更改完米家账号密码后,都可以成功运行了。🙏 error: 此错误来自自定义集成。 Logger: custom_components.xiaomi_miot.config_flow...

I've had this problem too。 and then I find my project in pod - masonry - build setting - ios deployment target was ios 6. so the __IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= 80000...

I change the zoom blur uniform struct . just exchange the center and the size position . ``` before : typedef struct { float2 center; float size; } ZoomBlurUniform; after:...

Same problem. I solved by convert to Swift 4.2 . but I found somewhere error in **sliderUpdateCallback** when the filter was Histogram / Posterize / KuwaharaFilter / BulgeDistortion . Finally...