Addresses issue #845
I've been messing around with some joystick emulation and am curious if this is something we want to add to Optikey. Does anyone else out there have thoughts?
This is due to a limitation in the way the mouse output simulator works. To work around the issue I can add code to check for no movement when amount...
This enhancement is to make it possible to set various attributes of each key on a keyboard. - [ ] Font Name - [ ] Border Color of Keys -...
1. Does anyone use eye gestures? If yes, please explain. Unless someone has come up with a creative use I intend to scrap them and implement offscreen keys as a...
It took an overhaul of dynamic keyboards and the migration of various pieces of code to different classes in order for this to be built properly. We should get many...
The current option are Fill Pie, Grow, and Shrink. It would be easy to add Fill Up, Fill Right, and my personal favorite from experimentation Fade. Also, add the ability...
Basically, it seems pyglet can either draw only shapes at 60fps or only text at 60fps, but as soon as the two are combined it is unable to keep up...