@glenn-jocher There are lots of issues with yolov8 and TensorRT and it is really hard to troubleshoot first and foremost because I can't find any documentation for yolov8 compatibility with...
@glenn-jocher Thanks for pointing that out. I had been doing it all exclusively in a local environment and didn't realize I could simply look at Colab to get the versions...
@JuliusSweetland The PR is ready to test.
@kmcnaught I changed the algorithm to process all keys in the same order they are listed in the xml file regardless of whether they have row/col defined. There main reason...
@kmcnaught This commit fixes that issue, but a lot of other stuff is still in progress. With it, I loaded your keyboard into my designer and then saved it with...
@caffeinepills Thanks for the response. I don't have enough understanding of how pyglet, gl, and the GPU interact to understand why sending a new object would be so much slower...
@Belissimo-T, @benmoran56 That's interesting. I use Windows with Nvidia driver and when I run the code I get a window with a yellow circle on a black background. However, creating...