@kmcnaught It could be fixed by adding a virtual keystate for the mouse action and monitoring it when executing dynamic key. Otherwise, I haven't looked, but there might be a...
@kmcnaught I don't know how to fix this. I've experimented with an eventQueue mechanism to queue the mouse actions, but it had no affect. I'm currently perplexed by how the...
@kmcnaught I figured this out and fixed. I put a comment in #744 because I was working on a continuous click key for that related issue. It's in a PR...
Here's a solution, when the LTS is anchored add a low distraction scroll icon to the deadzone and make it tie back to the LTS key, so the user can...
@JuliusSweetland @kmcnaught So, who is taking point and going to do the bulk of this? I'm no longer focusing on smoothing, so I could start a new branch with these...
Do you want to edit your top comment to include a running list of requirements? You could get rid of my pics. They're not needed.
Ideally, when you place the LTS anchor it should move the cursor there, bring that window to the front, pause the magnetic cursor, and instead display either a fixed position...
Here's where I'm at for the settings and keyboards. The biggest change is that I removed LTS Bounds keys and made it so that option is only available in MC....
Here are my personal thoughts. The keys from the mouse keyboard should all be merged onto the web browsing keyboard and be renamed to Browsing, Navigating, or Exploring. Then, the...
@tqphan, @kmcnaught has done some excellent work, and after familiarizing myself with her code, I would be interested in incorporating the root functionality into Optikey core. It would entail adding...