I disabled all modifications to the y position in Forced Perspective, but it still moves; something else is causing it to move further up as you zoom out, but I've...
I've just checked the original game, and it looks like the flowers moving up as you zoom out in Forced Perspective has always been the case.
> dungeon->field_43 and field_53 both are only ever read to assign to themselves, and so have no functional purpose it seems, removed them from where they were read, and marked...
The information is already on the Fandom wiki anyway.
This happens to me if I start the game with the -level parameter to load a specific level.
I set everything to 1920x1080, but the cursor still started at the bottom right when I use the -level parameter.
Horned Reapers could always have been made happy; it just didn't remove the MAD_PSYCHO job. It makes no sense for a Horned Reaper to be psycho yet happy.
It's possible to cheer the Horned Reaper up again, but he'll still be psycho, no matter what.
My Imps can get to the door and back just fine 😕.
That's just what I did (sans the frameskip). They hesitated, but claimed all the path, and reached the door.