Could this be related to #1076?
Or could this be related to the go-through-corners bug? This seems to be a collision detection bug. This returns false.
Does this happen in the original game too?
But the go-through-corners bug does, and this seems similar to that. Looks like more rewriting needs to be done to fix this....
> get_human_controlled_creature_target will be rewritten with #1640 but currently still contains a bug What sort of bug? I assume it's nothing to do with this issue?
> hmm pseudo code says pos, but I've seen cases where pseudo code is simply wrong so I tried num but makes no difference, also found and fixed another mistake...
> also checked val yes, but since it has the >256 check under it it's clearly not val That looks like a subtile number to me.
I can't figure out why this doesn't work either :(. I do know, however, that the for (i = thing_get(get_mapwho_thing_index(mapblk)); !thing_is_invalid(i); i = thing_get(i->next_on_mapblk)) always returns an invalid thing, so...