Adam Nowotny

Results 23 comments of Adam Nowotny

This would need some setting to hide builds when green ( and then the build directive needs to hide when the setting is true (

If someone is willing to submit a pull request, the instructions on how to add a new service at

You can generate the configuration file and make it available at url that you enter in the settings. Currently the file is only read when you trigger the import in...

@curtismcburney there is "Import from URL" section in configuration. Right now it's a one-off thing and the URL is not saved but you could add a checkbox to always sync...

You can define what branch should be monitored (for TeamCity at least) in service configuration ![screenshot from 2016-10-22 19-18-24](

I haven't used TeamCity in years so that's why no progress here. But PRs are welcome! The "branch" field would need to be changed to accept multiple specifications with wildcards....

First the "Show" has to work so you can select builds to monitor. I'd expect error message to show up, anything showing up in the console of the settings page...

Must be some problem in the background page then. On the Chrome extensions page enable "developer mode", then "inspect views: background page" and check if there are any error in...

Yes, using just the cctray API is more flexible, the only drawback is that the icon used in notifications would just be a generic one.

That would be ace! How would be setup, globally or per service? For configuration it should be fairly easy to set URLs to the sounds for each type of event.