Results 18 comments of AdamBrMSFT

I think the work @mikebattista has planned for the SDK should take care of this.

@ePirat - have you had a chance to look at ISystemMediaTransportControlsInterop::GetForWindow?

> Is `ISystemMediaTransportControlsInterop` supposed to be usable from unpackaged apps? In Windows 11, it seems to have problems picking up on the app's name and icon. _Unpackaged app, lacking app...

This would require custom type mapping for xaml to map onto inbox System XAML. Right now the custom type mappings go against WinUI.

Seems like this is highlighting a limitation of .NET. Would be good to get @dsplaisted to see if there is something we should explore with .NET.

This is unsupported. You cannot mix net5 and uwp netnative. @j0shuams - is there a better error message we can provide?

We either need to build our own analyzer to recognize this, or work with the .NET analyzer to recognize ApiInformation.

@Psychlist1972 - Do you see the same issue with a NET6 component?

Current thinking is that this is considered more of a test scenario